China dealing with mysterious pig disease 中國力抗不明豬瘟

Thursday, May 17, 2007,Page 17

Pigs are seen in a pen on the outskirts of Beijing, China, Apr. 27, 2007. 四月二十七日,中國北京郊區一處豬圈裡的豬。(照片︰法新社)

China ordered pork farmers on May 8 to carry out mass vaccinations after a mysterious outbreak killed hundreds of pigs in the nation's south.

The agriculture ministry said it had urged stepped-up vaccinations for swine fever, pig rash and swine pneumonia and called on animal medical factories to increase production of medicines.

The directive was issued after up to 300 pigs in Guangdong Province died over the previous 10 days from a mystery disease that saw the pigs stop eating, develop fevers and begin hemorrhaging, the New Express paper reported.

Yang Weixin, head of the township where the outbreak happened, told the New Express there were up to 10,000 head of swine raised there and denied reports that up to 80 percent of the area's pigs had died.

"According to preliminary findings from local government and provincial experts a large-scale epidemic or an epidemic that can spread from animals to people has been ruled out," Yang said. "At present the disease has been controlled."

The epidemic has largely hit pigs being raised by individual farmers while industrial pig farms in the region, where health and sanitation conditions are better, have so far not reported any unusual outbreaks, the paper said.

The disease has caused a panic in the local areas as residents stopped buying pork for fear of eating tainted meat, it said.

Officials said there was no chance that tainted meat or sick pigs could find their way to markets in Hong Kong, which borders Guangdong. Transport of live pigs from the affected area has been banned.










Today's Words 今日單字

1. swine n.

豬 (zhu1)

例: Wild boars and pigs are both types of swine.


2. hemorrhage v.i. /v.t.

3. 出血 (chu1 xie3)

例: The doctor stopped the hemorrhaging by applying a tourniquet.


3. epidemic n. 流行病 ,時疫 

例: Bird flu is a potential epidemic that could kill millions.


4. tainted adj. 污染的 ,腐敗的 

例: The meat became tainted when it was left out all night, so don't eat it.




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