Even today, many Americans place high value on their work. When people are introduced to
each other, they commonly ask, "What do you do?" People often find self-respect and a sense of identity in their job. They feel frustrated if they're unemployed and can't "earn their keep." Moreover, many Americans look down on others who refuse to work and rely on the government to support them. People need a hand, not a handout, they say.
即使到了今天,很多美國人仍很看重他們的工作。當人們彼此互相介紹時,通常會問對方:「您從事什麼行業?」人們經常會在工作中,發現自我的尊嚴和認同感。 如果失業了無法維持生計,他們就會有挫折感。更甚者,很多美國人會看輕那些不願意工作而且仰賴政府供養的人。他們說,人需要的是援手,而不是施捨的東西。
⊙Word Bank
identity (n) 自我的認同
handout (n) 施捨的東西